Video edit:
Jasper Toeli:
Ruben Hulzebos:
Ruben Verburg:
The paradox of the world wide web
The World Wide Web. The promised medium where everyone should find information in a click of a button.
Never before it was so easy to find information and never before there was that much of information available.
At the same time it was never before so difficult to find trustful and useful information. This is the ‘informationparadox’.
Although the offer of information now a days is high, there are more people who’s getting less informed.
A quantitative increase of available information on the web is not necessarily equivalent to a qualitative improvement of a propper informed audience.
Datadox is an interactive installation that visualizes the abundance of data that the internet has to offer.
For this project I also made a teaser video with at the end the logo reveal animation.